North Korea Condemns NATO Summit Declaration: Inciting a New Cold War

ENTRE NewsNorth Korea condemned a recent NATO summit declaration condemning Pyongyang’s arms exports to Russia. They called the document “illegal”, according to state media. Pyongyang has repeatedly denied accusations of sending weapons to Moscow. However, leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin in June 2024 signed an agreement that includes providing each other with military assistance if attacked.

Pyongyang’s Korean Central News Agency wrote that North Korea’s Foreign Ministry “strongly condemns and rejects” the NATO declaration. Quoting a ministry spokesman, the agency said the declaration “incites a new Cold War and military confrontation on a global scale,” and requires “new forces and means of resistance.”

This came after NATO leaders in a joint declaration this week condemned North Korea for inciting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, by “providing direct military support” to Moscow. NATO leaders also voiced deep concern over China’s industrial support for Russia. On the sidelines of the NATO summit, South Korea and the US separately this week also signed guidelines on an integrated deterrence system on the Korean peninsula to counter North Korea’s nuclear and military threats.

South Korea’s presidential office said Seoul and Washington will carry out joint military exercises to help implement newly announced guidelines, which formalize the deployment of US nuclear assets on and around the Korean peninsula.

This is said to be necessary to prevent and respond to a potential nuclear attack by North Korea. Relations between the two Koreas have been at their lowest point in recent years, with Pyongyang increasing weapons tests as ties with Russia grow closer.

After Pyongyang sent balloons carrying rubbish across the border, Seoul in June 2024 completely suspended a military deal to reduce tensions and resumed firing drills on border islands and the demilitarized zone dividing the Korean peninsula.

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