List of NATO Member Countries But Still Friends of Russia

ENTRE News – Two member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Poland and Hungary, are at odds over membership and cooperation with Russia. The dispute began when Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban criticized Poland’s policies and accused their government of hypocrisy.

Orban also said that Poland does business with Russia so there is no need to insult Hungary. Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Teofil Bartoszewski did not accept this and criticized the Polish PM. Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, NATO members have been busy implementing sanctions. Vladimir Putin’s government then responded by placing an oil and gas embargo on them. However, Russia also maintains good relations with several NATO members as friendly countries.


Hungary still maintains relations with Russia. Last June, Orban even visited Russia to meet Putin in Moscow. He claimed the trip was for a Russian and Ukrainian peace mission. However, members of the European Union and NATO criticized the action and said there was no delegation to convey a peace mission to Putin. Serbian security and international relations expert Orhan Dragas doubts Orban’s mission claims.

“Orban appears to be acting as Putin’s emissary, which raises serious concerns about his credibility and influence on European unity,” the Kyiv Post quoted him as saying.

Over the years, Orban has consistently sided with the Kremlin and is seen as undermining the democratic principles and rule of law that the European Union (EU) represents. Hungary, under Orban’s government, has also entered into energy and political contracts and is dependent on Russia, as quoted by Foreign Policy. Orban is also said to be a close ally of Putin. Some media even released an analysis using the title “Putin’s pawn Orban.”


Türkiye also has good relations with Russia, especially under the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In July 2023, Erdogan even said he had a special relationship with Putin. Türkiye has also hosted negotiations between Russia and Ukraine several times even though they failed to reach a ceasefire agreement. In the midst of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a stream of Western criticism, Erdogan met Putin in Moscow in September 2023. At that time, Erdogan persuaded Putin to re-enter the Black Sea wheat deal. Russia withdrew from the agreement in July 2023. Putin said at the time he was “open to negotiations” on a wheat deal. In early July, Erdogan also met Putin in Astana, Kazakhstan, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (CSO) meeting. The two leaders discussed bilateral and regional issues during the hour-long meeting, Al Monitor quoted.


Under the government of Prime Minister Robert Fico, Slovakia also sided with Russia. Bloomberg said that after Fico rose to power last year, Slovakia became the most pro-Russian country in Europe. Fico implemented a “sovereign Slovak foreign policy.” That is, they refused to provide any military assistance to Ukraine. He also rebuked allies in the European Union for their minimal support regarding peace in Ukraine. However, Fico’s support is also still limited to Russia.


Bulgaria is also a friend of Russia who joined NATO. After Russia invaded Ukraine, Bulgaria also refused to hand over weapons to the country led by Volodymyr Zelensky like Hungary. According to the Eurobarometer survey, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia showed the weakest support for EU sanctions on Russia after the invasion. Not only that, when other countries are afraid of a Russian invasion, Bulgarians consider the Red Bear Country as normal. According to a survey in May 2023, only 33 percent of Bulgarians consider Russia a threat. Political expert and economist who focuses on Central and Eastern European studies, Musikal Sona, in his analysis released on Al Jazeera, said the countries’ persistent pro-Russian sentiment has a lot to do with “recent history and Russian opportunism.”

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