Berdasarkan ketentuan gencatan senjata Israel-Hizbullah, tentara Lebanon bersama pasukan penjaga perdamaian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) akan dikerahkan di selatan saat tentara Israel mulai mundur dari
List of Countries with the Smartest Average Population in the World
ENTRE News – A number of countries have residents with intellectual quotient (IQ) exceeding the average of society in general. A person’s intelligence is
List of the Most Difficult Countries to Visit
ENTRE News – Various countries such as North Korea often apply strict regulations to maintain the security and sovereignty of their territory. Rules regarding
The Highest Waterfall in China Turns out to be Fake, its Flow is Fitted with Pipes
ENTRE News – A waterfall in China has sparked major controversy after a climber mistakenly thought it was a natural object. China’s Mount Yuntai