Causes of Moldy Car Windows and How to Clean It

ENTRE News – Car glass is an important part of a car. For safety and comfort when driving, it is important to keep the car window clean, one of which is to prevent mold which often sticks to the car window. What causes moldy car windows? How do you remove mold from car windows? Check out the following article.

Causes of Moldy Car Windows

Quoting London Car Windscreen, car windows can get moldy if they are often parked in damp places, especially if the car is not used regularly. Apart from that, mold can also appear if the car window is not cleaned immediately after being exposed to rainwater. Condensation on car windows risks causing mold. Mold that appears on the car window should be cleaned immediately. Because fungus can multiply and spread to other parts of the car.

How to Clean Moldy Car Windows

Here are some ways to clean moldy car windows:

1. Alcohol content 50-90%

Alcohol is often used as a cleaning fluid, including car window cleaner. Dampen a soft cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub it on the car window. Please remember, don’t press the car window too hard to avoid scratching it.

2. Soft Drinks

To remove mold using soda water, first clean the car window with a dry cloth first. Then, dampen a soft cloth with soda water and rub it on the car window. Do this several times until the fungus disappears. It’s best if the soda water you choose doesn’t contain sugar so it doesn’t attract ants.

3. Toothpaste

Toothpaste can also clean mold on car windows. The FOR4D method is to apply enough toothpaste to the car window, then wait until it dries. After that, rinse with water while rubbing the glass with a soft cloth until the mold disappears.

4. Clothes Bleach

Mold on car windows can also be removed using clothes bleach. Dampen a soft cloth with enough laundry bleach, then rub it on the car window until it is clean. Don’t press too hard on the glass to avoid scratching the glass.

That’s how to clean moldy car windows. To prevent mold from growing on the car window, you should not park your car in a damp place for too long. Also make sure to dry the dew on the car window, especially after it rains.

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