Statements from Saudi, China and Western countries regarding Iran vs Israel

ENTRE News – A number of state leaders and their representatives have opened their voices regarding the series of drone and missile attacks carried out by Iran against Israel. There are countries that strongly condemn the attack carried out by Iran against Israel, there are also those who are concerned about the increasingly heated situation in the Middle East. Saturday (13/4) evening local time, Iranian drones and missiles launched an attack on Israel. The party that launched the attack was Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

The series of air strikes launched by Iran against Israel is called “Operation True Promise” with the aim of retaliating for the attack on the Tehran Consulate building in Syria earlier this month. The deadly attack killed seven Iranian Revolutionary Guard personnel, including two of the country’s military generals.

Iran’s Operation True Promise was a response to the deaths of seven Iranian Revolutionary Guard personnel in an attack believed to be orchestrated by Israel in Damascus on April 1. The following are the statements and attitudes of countries in the world regarding the outbreak of the Iran vs Israel war :

1. The President of Iran said about the retaliatory attack on Israel

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has opened his voice regarding the air attacks launched by Iran on Israel. Raisi said the operations launched against Israel were a legitimate form of self-defense. Raisi also praised the IRGC as “brave people” who “taught the Zionist regime a lesson”.

“The punishment of the aggressors which was the true promise of the supreme leader has been fulfilled,” Ebrahim said, as reported by Al Jazeera.

He added that the operation was “within the framework of the legitimate right of self-defense” in response to Israel’s aggressive actions. Raisi also said that Iran over the past six months, and also in recent weeks, used every means to demonstrate the “chilling impact” of the UN Security Council’s inaction regarding Israel’s violations of international law.

“We recommend supporters of the occupying regime to appreciate the responsible and appropriate actions taken by the Islamic Republic and stop blind support for this aggressor regime FOR4D,” he added.

2. Netanyahu: We Will Win!

Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a brief statement after his country was bombarded by a series of Iranian drone and missile attacks. Netanyahu insisted Israel would be able to “win”.

“We intercept, we repel (attacks), together we will win,” Netanyahu wrote in a statement in Hebrew via his official X social media account, as reported by Al Jazeera.

Netanyahu has not provided a lengthy official statement regarding Iran’s attack on Israel. However, before the Iranian attack occurred in the early hours of Sunday (14/4), Netanyahu stated that his country was ready to face an attack from Iran. He also emphasized that “whoever harms us, we will harm them”.

“In recent years, and especially in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran. Our defense systems have been deployed, we are ready to face any scenario, both defensively and offensively,” he stressed.

“The State of Israel is strong. The IDF (Israeli Armed Forces) is strong. Society is also strong,” said Netanyahu.

“We have established a clear principle: Whoever harms us, we will harm them. We will defend ourselves against any threat and will do so with calm and determination,” he stressed again.

3. China’s appeal

China expressed its concern about the escalation following Iran’s attack on Israel. China hopes that the relevant parties can exercise restraint in order to reduce further tensions. China called for ‘restraint’ in responding to the conflict after the attack. China said it was “deeply concerned about the current escalation”, and added that it called on “relevant parties to remain calm and restraint to avoid further escalation of tensions”.

China is known to have close diplomatic and economic ties with Iran, while the US in the past week has called on China to urge Tehran or the Iranian capital not to launch retaliatory attacks against Israel. However, US officials privately said they had seen no evidence that China had applied pressure on Iran, according to a Financial Times report.

4. The US condemns Iran’s attacks, but does not support Israel attacking back

US President Joe Biden strongly condemned Iran’s attack on Israel. Biden stated the US’s commitment to help Israel destroy all drones and missiles sent by Iran. Biden said he had directed US military aircraft along with ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the past week.

“Thanks to this deployment and the extraordinary skills of our military members, we helped Israel destroy nearly all incoming drones and missiles,” Biden said.

“I strongly condemn these attacks.” he continued.

Joe Biden reiterated his country’s steadfast support for Israel after a barrage of Iranian drone and missile attacks rained down on its ally. However, Biden emphasized that Washington does not support any form of Israeli retaliation against Iran. Biden made this assertion during a telephone conversation with Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday (13/4) US time or Sunday (14/4) Israeli time, after Iranian air strikes rained down on Israeli territory.

Tehran stressed that the series of airstrikes launched against Israeli territory was a response to what it called “the Zionist regime’s aggressive actions against the Iranian Embassy in Damascus” — referring to the Tel Aviv attack earlier this month. Iran also called its attack on Israel “legitimate self-defense” under the United Nations (UN) Charter. Speaking to Netanyahu by telephone, Biden “reaffirmed America’s steadfast commitment” to Israel’s security.

“I told him that Israel demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to defend against and defeat an unprecedented attack — sending a clear message to its enemies that it cannot effectively threaten Israel’s security,” Biden said.

However, according to a number of senior US government officials who declined to be named, Biden also made it clear to Netanyahu that the US would not participate in any offensive operations against Iran, and would not support such operations.

5. The attitude of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt

Saudi Arabia also provided a statement regarding Iran’s air attack on Israel. Saudi Arabia is concerned about this situation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, through its official X account, expressed its concern over the escalation in the Middle East region, Sunday (14/4/2024).

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia expresses its deep concern over the development of military escalation in the region and its serious impacts and urges all parties to exercise maximum restraint and protect the region and its people from the dangers of war,” wrote the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia asks all parties to exercise restraint for the safety of citizens from the dangers arising from conflicts between countries. The Saudi Foreign Ministry also urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to maintain peace.

“The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates the position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, urging the UNSC to fulfill its obligations to maintain international peace and security. This region is important for global peace and security, and the UNSC FOR4D must act to prevent an escalation of the crisis, which could have serious consequences,” wrote the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs .

Qatar, one of the Arab countries close to Iran, expressed its concern about this latest condition. Qatar called on all parties to “stop escalation, defuse tensions and exercise maximum restraint.” Egypt, an Arab country in North Africa that borders Israel, stated that the current conditions were a direct result of what Egypt had warned about, namely the consequences of Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip. Pakistan, the world’s largest Islamic-majority country and Iran’s neighbor, said Iran’s attack on Israel was a consequence of failed diplomacy.

6. England-Germany-France-Canada Defend Israel

Countries in Western Europe plus countries in North America defend Israel and condemn Iran. These countries, apart from the United States (US), which of course defends Israel, are England, Germany, France and Canada. Check out the list as follows:


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he would protect the security of Israel and its neighboring countries. Britain seeks security stability in the Middle East region to prevent bloodshed.

“I condemn in the strongest possible terms the Iranian regime’s reckless attack on Israel. Iran once again aims to reap chaos in its own backyard,” Sunak tweeted on his X account, Mingu (14/4/2024).

“The United Kingdom (UK) will continue to defend the security of Israel and all our regional friends, including Jordan and Iraq,” Sunak tweeted.


Germany also “condemns in the strongest terms” Iran’s attack on Israel. This was conveyed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz through a spokesperson.

“With this irresponsible and unjustified attack, Iran is risking regional conflict. Germany is on Israel’s side,” the spokesman said.


The statement was made by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stephane Sejourne.

“France reaffirms its ties to Israel’s security and guarantees its solidarity,” Sejourne tweeted on his X account.

According to Sejourne, Iran’s actions have made the Middle East unstable. France condemns Iran for attacking Israel.

“France strongly condemns the attacks launched by Iran against Israel,” he tweeted.

“By deciding on this unprecedented action, Iran is taking a new step in destabilizing actions and risks military escalation,” he added.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country supports Israel. Trudeau condemned Iran’s attack.

“Canada unequivocally condemns Iran’s air strikes against Israel,” Trudeau said. “We stand with Israel. After supporting the brutal Hamas attack on October 7, the Iranian regime’s latest actions could destabilize the region and make peace even more difficult,” Trudeau said.

“We support the right to defend Israel and its citizens against these attacks,” Trudeau said.

7. Japan believes that Iran’s attack on Israel will worsen the situation in the Middle East

Japan speaks out about the missile attack launched by Iran on Israel. Japan believes that the attack will actually worsen the situation in the Middle East. Japan was the next country to issue a statement following Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel. However, Japan said Iran’s attacks ‘further worsened’ the regional situation.

“This attack further worsens the current situation in the Middle East,” said the Japanese foreign minister’s statement.

Japan said it was concerned about the attack. Japan also strongly condemned the attack which triggered the escalation.

“We are deeply concerned and strongly condemn this kind of escalation.”

8. Hamas’s statement regarding the Iran vs Israel War

Hamas says Iran’s attack on Israel is a ‘natural right’ for crimes committed by Zionists.

“The military operation carried out by Iran against the Zionist entity is a natural right and is a response to crimes targeting the consulate in Damascus,” the Palestinian group said in a post on Telegram.

Hamas said it affirmed the “natural right” of countries and peoples in the region to defend themselves “in the face of Zionist aggression”, in this context referring to Israel.

“We call on our Arab and Islamic countries, the free peoples of the world and the resistance forces in the region to continue their support for the Al-Aqsa floods,” the group added, referring to their Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

9. Russia’s Hope After Iranian Air Strikes Hit Israel

Russia is concerned about the escalation in the Middle East following Iran’s attack on Israel. Russia then called on all parties to exercise restraint.

“We are deeply concerned about another dangerous escalation in the Middle East and call on all parties to exercise restraint,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said, according to a post on Telegram by Russian news agency TASS.

Russia hopes that tensions in the Middle East can be resolved between countries diplomatically.

“We hope that the problems in the Middle East will be resolved by countries through political and diplomatic means,” the ministry added.

10. RI asks the UN Security Council to act immediately

Indonesia is concerned about the conflict between Iran and Israel. Indonesia calls on all parties to exercise restraint.

“Indonesia is very concerned about the escalation of the security situation in the Middle East and calls on all parties to exercise restraint,” said a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs uploaded to the Mofa Indonesia account.

Indonesia urges the UN Security Council to immediately act to reduce tensions. Including carrying out an Israeli ceasefire against Palestine.

“Indonesia urges the UN Security Council to act immediately to reduce tensions and continue efforts to create peace in the Middle East, including ending the illegal occupation of Palestine and various violations of international law by Israel,” he said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs again called for a two-state solution. According to him, this solution is the key to regional security stability.

“A just resolution of the Palestinian problem through a Two-State Solution will be the key to creating regional security stability,” he said.

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