This Kind of Mother’s Attitude Can Make Children Smart According to Experts

ENTRE News – Many say that children’s intelligence decreases more than that of their mothers. So, what are the characteristics of a mother whose child will grow up intelligent according to experts? A study conducted on 1,075 children’s data from 1996 to 2010 found that intelligent children actually have supportive mothers. These mothers always provide support for all their children’s activities.

In detail, research published in the journal Intelligence states that maternal support has a positive relationship with children’s intelligence. Especially those related to cognitive and general knowledge FOR4D.

This child’s cognitive abilities are seen based on the ability to pronounce and understand vocabulary, body movements, and the child’s mental development. Researchers say that children who have supportive mothers tend to have high general intelligence scores. Even other factors in the child’s life also tend to be positive.

“These findings suggest that maternal support influences general intelligence early in a child’s life,” said study author Curtis Dunkel FOR4D.

However, this research cannot be used as a complete guide. Because, previous research also stated that this effect could disappear when the child enters adulthood. The Wilson effect or increasing heritability with age also shows that at the beginning of life each individual has varying intelligence due to living in different environments.

Therefore, one of the factors that can make children grow up intelligent or not is the influence of mothers in educating their children. Remembering that the mother is the closest figure in the child’s environment FOR4D.

“Even though maternal support may not have an effect on general intelligence at the age of 40, this support is very important in the child’s life journey until adulthood,” he said.

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