3 Natural Ways to Overcome Osteoporosis, Be Fitter Without Bone Problems

ENTRE News – Apart from taking medication, there are several natural ways to treat osteoporosis. This method is used to keep bones healthy, avoiding osteoporosis which can interfere with daily life. Osteoporosis itself is a health problem related to bones. When osteoporosis attacks, bone density will slowly disappear. The effect is that the bones become more vulnerable and get sick easily, even breaking easily. For this reason, it is important to take natural prevention to overcome osteoporosis. So that bones remain healthy and strong, even though you are entering old age.

Natural ways to treat osteoporosis

Here are several natural ways you can treat osteoporosis.

1. Sports

Exercise is a natural treatment for osteoporosis. It is recommended that you exercise regularly from an early age. According to Medical News Today, regular physical activity helps osteoporosis sufferers build muscle mass and strength, improve bone density and quality, and improve bone coordination and balance. Some recommended sports to avoid osteoporosis include brisk walking, jogging, hiking, playing tennis and dancing.

2. Strength training

Apart from regular exercise, strength training can also be one way to avoid osteoporosis. Strength or endurance training can improve bone health. Some physical activities to train strength include lifting weights, push ups and pull ups, as well as various other strength exercises.

3. Adjust your diet

Eating healthy foods can also be a natural way to treat osteoporosis. Some foods recommended for healthy bones include fruit and vegetables, sources of calcium, and sources of vitamins C and D. You can eat whole grains, poultry, low-fat dairy products, and fish. Also avoid consuming processed foods.







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