This Restaurant in Manchester Went Viral After Rejecting an Influencer Who Asked for Free Food

ENTRE News – A Japanese restaurant in Manchester, England, went viral after turning down an influencer who asked for a collaboration in exchange for free food. Lucky Ramen, the restaurant said that they appreciate people who eat by paying more than those who ask for free. The restaurant recounted the beginning of its conflict with the blue tick influencer. Restaurant managers get direct messages (DMs) requesting free food collaborations in exchange for promotional posts on social media.

They then shared a screenshot of the unnamed influencer’s request. “Hey, sorry, I know it’s short notice, but I’ll be in Manchester tomorrow and looking for a place to have lunch with my partner, would you be open to collaborating with me for a post on my stories and page.”

Lucky Ramen says they don’t need social media exposure to pay the bills. “We’re glad you appreciate our food, but hey, we appreciate paying customers more.”

The post sparked outrage from influencers and sent a response to the restaurant. “Personally, I think you’re out of sorts. HOW DARE you try and expose us like that???” he was angry, according to Lucky Ramen’s Instagram Story post. “So you think people like us don’t deserve FREE food??? In case you didn’t notice, we do our best to help and promote you for FREE!!!”

He added, “We don’t expect much, just free food as compensation for the time, effort and positive energy we give you.”

The angry influencer stated that she would not be coming to Lucky Ramen even though Lucky Ramen’s food and atmosphere seemed inviting.

“Your arrogance makes me sick,” he concluded. “Haha, it’s very funny, there were some who giggled but we were the ones who laughed. We go wherever we want, eat whatever we want, and last but not least — it’s all free! WHO’S LAUGHING NOW???”

Ending this conflict, Lucky Ramen retaliated again. “Okay, fine… you understand us! We’re really sorry for trying to uncover your behind-the-scenes tactics yesterday and, you know, we’re trying to make a living and all that. Hit us up with another DM, let us know when you’re stopping by to pick up a well-deserved item, and don’t forget to leave a glowing 5-star review on Google and TripAdvisor,” they added. “We appreciate your understanding and, once again, apologize for any ‘inconvenience’ we may have caused. Bon appetit + Arigato-the-f–k-outta-here.”

The post gained attention, with many social media users expressing support for the restaurant’s firm response, while highlighting the ongoing issue of influencers seeking free services.

“As someone who manages influencers and celebrities, I find this behavior appalling!” said Carla Speight, the founder of a talent and PR agency, in her comments. “I suspect they have feeds filled with selfies, inspirational quotes in the captions, and no real value in their contributions to social media?” he said.

The phenomenon of influencers offering collaborations with restaurants often occurs in various cities FOR4D. Some accepted it because they hoped to get a promotion, but a number of restaurants chose to reject the offer. The impact of social media on the restaurant business has advantages and disadvantages, writes creative digital marketing agency Casa Media. On the one hand, social media platforms are the new ‘place’ to look for places to eat, and information is instantly available to those who need it. Plus, it can bring in more visits to the restaurant. However, social media also causes the spread of negative things which have a big influence on restaurant brands.

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