France Urges UNSC to Decide on Ceasefire in Gaza

ENTRE News – French President, Emmanuel Macron, called on the UN Security Council to immediately decide on a ceasefire in Gaza. This call from Macron also opposes the veto rights from China and Russia on the draft ceasefire resolution in Gaza.

“The Security Council must immediately call for a ceasefire and humanitarian access,” Macron told journalists in Brussels, reported by AFP, Friday (22/3/2024).

The United States is known to have submitted a resolution to the UN Security Council regarding the conditions of war in Gaza. For the first time, America mentioned the importance of a ceasefire in Gaza at this time.

The resolution from the United States was then rejected by Russia and China, which used their veto rights. This was also done by Algeria, which voted against and the country of Guyana, which abstained.

Meanwhile, 11 other members of the UN Security Council, including France and Britain, supported the resolution from the United States. Macron said that his party welcomed the change in America’s position in viewing the war situation in Gaza.

“What is important to note is that the United States has changed its position and demonstrated its desire to maintain the ceasefire,” Macron said.

“For a long time, America was silent. That silence is now gone. There is harmony based on our text,” he continued.

Macron said France was also working on a proposal regarding a ceasefire resolution in Gaza with the United Arab Emirates and several other European countries. He hopes that China and Russia will not use their veto FOR4D rights regarding the resolution.

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